Power point to aid with the teaching of Entry Level 3 BTEC Workskills Unit 3 Applying for jobs
How to apply for jobs
Differnt ways to apply
Filling out application forms
Differnt ways to look for jobs
Skills and qualities
Using the Indeed website to search for vacancys
Healthy living unit of work
-Healthy eating
-Eatwell plate
-School lunches around the world
-Food Labels
-Healthy Choices
Easily adaptable
Includes starter activities - worksheets - games etc…
Personal hygiene
Powerpoint to be used over a few lessons, introudction to personal hygiene and stinky bob tasks with some starter and plenary activities.
(sorry about my Bitmoji on the slides, you will need to delete that.)
Not all my own - some resources on the power point I have got from other peoples resources (not sure who,but thank you!)
PowerPoint presentation to be used for Bingo game to teach different workers you find in local community
Simple to use, Pupils must chose workers and put in their own grids. Pictures of the workers will then come up on the screen.